Thought of the week: Do I need a Will?

Do I need a Will?

None of us like to think about death and dying, yet a Will is one of the most important things that you should have in place. Despite this fact, over half of UK adults (probably even more) do not have a Will.
Making a Will ensures that your wishes are carried out after you pass away. It may not be nice to talk about and for some there is a fear of or reluctance to talk about such things, but it is really important that you do so. It is always sensible to plan ahead.

EVERY adult should have a Will if they are able to put one in place. You are never to young, too old, too rich or too poor. Making a Will is not just about your finances, it can cover many other things too.

Making a Will can make it much easier for those you leave behind. Without a Will the process can be much more time consuming and stressful, even if you do not have a large estate.

For some it is even more important that you have a Will. Here are some examples:

• You have young children or other people that depend on you financially
• You are unmarried but wish to provide for your partner
• You wish to make provision for more distant relatives or friends or you wish to make gifts to charity
• You wish to minimise any inheritance tax payable upon your death

When should I make a Will?

You can make a Will at any time provided that you have what is known as the mental capacity to do so. Do not leave it too late. It is better to plan ahead rather than rush into it at a stressful time, for example if you have been diagnosed with a life limiting illness. Sadly, it is all too common for people to leave it too late. We cannot draft a Will for you if you cannot give instructions and we cannot take instructions from others on your behalf.

Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today!

How do I make a Will?

Making a Will does not have to be a scary process. Many clients tell us that they feel relieved after having sat down and put something in place. Bear in mind that you can change your Will at any time, provided that you still have the mental capacity to do so.

You do not have to use a Solicitor to make a Will, but it is advisable. A solicitor can give you valuable advice and often clients will comment at a meeting that we have asked them questions or made suggestions that they did not consider.


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Will Question

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