
Water Cremation – How do I include within my Will?

Water cremation, also known as alkaline hydrolysis or resomation, is a newer method of body disposition that is becoming increasingly popular. It is a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cremation, as it does not release air pollutants. If you are...

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Statutory Legacy sum is set to be raised later this month

The Statutory Legacy sum is set to be raised from £270,000 to £322,000 later this month in the UK. The increase, which will come into effect on July 26, 2023, is being made in accordance with the Administration of Estates Act 1925 (Fixed Net Sum) Order 2020. This...

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Protecting your digital assets in your Will

Digital assets are a growing part of our lives, and it is important to consider them when making a Will. Here are some tips for dealing with digital assets in a Will : • Identify your digital assets. Make a list of all of your digital assets, including your email...

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Taxes have been in the news a lot lately. However, unlike Income Tax, Inheritance Tax (IHT) and the associated limits are not often adjusted. This is not necessarily a good thing. Inheritance Tax is a charge on the value of the estate of a person who has passed away....

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Futurity Wills and Estate celebrates first birthday

It has been a whirlwind of a year - Futurity has taken off under the helm of Hayley Beeching who has provided assistance with Estate distribution and helped a multitude of individuals with their future planning needs. We have supported local events and additionally...

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Give the gift of peace of mind this Christmas

You've ordered the turkey and the wrapping paper, but have you got your affairs in order? Have you made a Will? Or a Lasting Power of Attorney? These are probably the most important documents that you can put in place for the future for you and your family. Knowing...

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What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? Why is it important?

What is an LPA? A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you (the Donor) to choose a person or people (the Attorneys) that you trust to make decisions on your behalf. This could either be because you want help making decisions, or you want to...

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Do I need Probate?

‘Probate’ is the part of the process when someone dies which involves applying to the court (Probate Registry) for permission to deal with someone’s estate. If the Probate Registry grants permission, then they will issue a grant. Any inheritance due in order to get...

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What is Probate?

What is probate? The term probate can be confusing, as it is often used to describe different things.The term ‘probate’ is frequently used to describe the process of winding up someone’s estate (money, property and possessions) when they pass away – also known as...

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What happens if I don’t have a Will?

What happens if there is no Will? None of us like to think about death and dying, yet a Will is one of the most important things that you should have in place. Despite this fact, over half of UK adults (probably even more) do not have a Will. So, what happens if you...

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